Why You Should Carefully Select a High-Quality Carpet in Los Angeles

Carpets make any home much more comfortable to live in, although homeowners will need to be extra careful with the carpets they choose. An article on the Philly.com website dated September 14, 2014 discusses the health implications carpeting can have on a household, and what homeowners can do to keep themselves healthy and free from trouble. The article helpfully points out that modern carpets are much safer to use than those made in the past, and it even has a side note on carpet maintenance:

Whatever type of carpeting you get, the advice of Jeff Carrier, director of regulatory issues for the industry’s Carpet and Rug Institute, is to take care of it – extending its lifespan and reducing its environmental footprint (not to mention the drop in your bank account).

“Carpet doesn’t usually die,” Carrier said. “It’s usually killed by poor maintenance.”

That includes cleaning it with a vacuum or chemicals that are too brutal on the poor rug. The institute’s website (www.carpet-rug.org) lists its approved vacuums and cleaners.

All of which leads to one final consideration: Is carpet even necessary?

Yes, it’s lovely, and it provides sound control and, according to the Carpet and Rug Institute, even provides a safety factor because it cushions falls (an interesting point, considering that you might have tripped on the rug in the first place).

GreenSpace-carpenting presents complex health issues

All homes could use a carpet for the same reasons stated by the article, but homeowners might want to be judicious with their choice of carpeting. To be assured of a safe and high-quality product, homeowners should choose only the most trusted carpeting brands in the market; selecting anything less might invite health risks for you and your family. If you are looking for a superior carpet in Los Angeles, seek reliable retailers such as Cheap Floors Los Angeles.

The materials used in carpeting can either be natural or synthetic, each with their own unique advantages and disadvantages. The trick in selecting the right ones for your home is to know more about the products before making a purchase. Some retailers that offer carpet installation in Los Angeles offer a free onsite consultation for homeowners; you should take advantage of such services to learn all there is about certain carpeting products so you can make an informed decision. You should always keep in mind that the material of a carpet determines how safe it is for daily use, how often you need to clean it, and how long its service life is.


(Source: GreenSpace: Carpeting presents complex health issues, philly.com, Sept. 14, 2014)


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